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BIG Update Regarding CLASS IV Results, Fresh Notification Issued, Check Here 👇👇👇👇👇

This is with reference to the news article tited J8KSS8 fails to declare result of fast-track recruitment of dass IV posts even after two months, published by Daily Wad Kashmir News Network on 21 May, 2021 whereln an attempt has been made to create impression that the JKSSB has delayed the result of Class-IV Examinations conducted on 27th/ 28th February & 1 March, 2021. It has also been noticed that some ested interests and unscrupulous elements are also using social media platforms and other digital modes to propagate and promote false and misleading information with the malicious intent to malign the image of the Services Selection Board. In all these activities, a common thread can be seen easily fig leaf of so called ‘delay’ for imputing motives, levelling baseless allegations and using derogatory language, with the malicious and deliberate intention to mislead the people and harm the reputation of Board, the leadership and functionaries.
First thing first! All these vile attempts to sully the image of a credible and reputed institution lke Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board will be dealt with sultably as per the provisions of law at appropriate time. The Board and its officers reserve the right to seek legal action against any unsubstantiated, false, misleading and derogatory information that is being spread through any media, wllfluly or otherwise with the evll intention of harming their reputation. Needless to mention that the Services Selection Board and its Chalrman on multiple occasions and through variety of media, have made fervent appeals to general public as well as the aspirants to beware of
unscrupulous elements and thelr tantrums, used to lure the candidates, and also bring any such attempts immediately to the knowledge of the Board authorlties for necessary action under law.
The Services Selection Board has set highest standards of transparency and probity in recrulitments in recent times, by conducting largest ever written examinations In the history of Jammu and Kashmir in a hassle-free and successful manner, by setting new benchmarks as far as pace and fairness are concerned. The transparent conduct of recruitment by the Services Selection Board has put an end to exploltatlon of vulnerable
youth at the hands of sonme unscrupulous elements and caused disappointment to many.
We may err but not explolt, is the dictum belng followed by the Services Selectlon Board.
t is also important for general public and asplrants to appreciate that after the
constitutional changes of 5 August, 2019, and subsequent amendments carrled out in
March 2020, in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Decentralization and Recruitment)
Act, 2010, we have transitioned to a new legal framework wherein radically reformed
templates of recruitment, with new methods and procedures have been introduced. A
natural corollary of these legal changes is the need to make variety of new rules and
statutory provisions by various authorities in the Government, which by nature, Is a time-
consuming process. Lots of amendments in rules/orders have already been notified by
various Government Departments, particularly the General Administration Department,
and some more are in the pipeline and shall be notified in due course. As a consequence,
thereof, on many occasions, the Services Selection Board has to operate within grey area, till the necessary amendments in statutory provisions and rules take place. The situation demands us to be on the right side of the law. Delay of some days today is a better
bargain than months of controversies later.
The Services Selection Board, in this new and reformed environment is dolng a trend setting work which will be easier to follow in the days to come. To blaze a trail of course requires lot of effort. Despite all these challenges, coupled with the sensitivity involved in a recruitment process, more so in a diverse Unlon Territory like Jammu and Kashmir, the Services Selection Board is performing its role in the best possible way with speed and transparency. As If this was not enough, COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020 till date has virtually brought life to a grinding halt and like all other sectors, affected the functioning of the Services selection Board. Even at present, many of the functionaries of the Board are infected by the virus and yet there has been no respite or break in our efforts to continue the mission.
It is clarified that the Written Examinations for the UT/ Divisional/ District cadre Class-IV posts, was conducted on 27th / 28th February& 1st March, 2021 in multiple
batches and 3.28 lakh candidates appeared. Subsequently, the Board called upon the
candidates who have appeared in the aforesaid examination to indicate thelr order of
preference for allotment against District/ Dvisional/UT cadre vacancies upto 01.04.2021
which was extended multiple times upto 2nd May, 2021 due to extremely poor response
of the candidates Despite giving multiple opportunities, only 1.37 lakh candidates opted
to give preferences ater which the Board decided to proceed further. It was absolutey
necessary to give adequate opportunity to candidates at this juncture, to avoid lega
complicacies later on, at the time of alocation of cadres/posts.
Due to poor response of candidates in indicating their order of preference for
allotment agalnst District/ Divisional/uT cadre vacancies, surge in cOVID-19 cases across
the J8K UT including the J8K Services Selection Board, imposition of Corona curfew/
lockdown, and Health considerations, seamless working of the Board, including finalization of result for Class IV posts, got affected. Besides, it is a complex template being operationalzed first time and the sheer number of the candidates is also prohibitive, which are bound to take reasonable time even in best of the circumstances. Moreover, the Resut preparation is being carried out at multiple locations beyond the borders of J8iK which were severely affected due to COVID-19 pandemic. All these factors have to be taken into consideration before jumping to any conclusion.
An uncanny comparison with the result of PM Package posts is being made and
propagated with the intention of creating a wrong perception. There were about 30000
aspirants taken together for seven (07) different categories of posts advertised under PM Package. On an average about 5/6 thou sand candidates appeared for each category of post. Because of limited numbers, separate exams were held for each post. Besides,
multiple cadres like UT/Dvision/District were not involved in every single examination.
Moreover, in the case of PM Package posts, multiple parameters like widow, orphan, casual
worker, domicile, etc. were not be considered for additional weightage, as is the case with Class IV Posts. The preferences in the case of PM package candidates have been called
after the deciaration of result, which is going to take time commensurate with thelr
numbers. Having explained the differences, the Board maintains that the result has not
been declared out of favour or to give special treatment, it has been declared earler due
to less complexity. These are purely professional matters and need to be analyzed on merits, without being touchy or prejudicial. The result of Class V posts is under process and will be notified at appropriate time.
Further, the aspiring candidates are again appealed not to fall prey to the propaganda of vested linterests and mischievous elements spreading misinformation and levelling baseless allegations through various platforms to harm the reputation and image of the Services Selection Board. They are also advised to share any information relating to
unfair means/ malpractices with due evidence and proof with Board authorities, for appropriate action.

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